HI-FI Nut - If you love your TSM's you should really love the VSM-SE now VSM-Millenium. But before committing this amount of money, if not sure, do more auditioning. I currently own the VSM-SE with battery BAM and it is certainly among the finest speakers I have ever heard at ANY price including some big systems. Their price makes them an excellent value. They are however forcing me to make upgrades to bring out their best. I dont think these speakers have any limitations. Have since listened to many fine speakers since purchasing them, partly to validate my decision. After living with the VSM-SE for going on 3 months, every system I have subsequently listened to sounds like there is a veil over the music. The Merlins lay it all out, Resolution, dynamics, coherency, tonal and spectral balance imaging and huge sounstaging and that immediacy that you either like or dont. THEY SOUND REAL and do it ALL except the bottom octave, I love them, if you havent guessed by now! Listen to the Kharma if you can so you don't regret making the wrong choice. I doubt there are too many systems, if any in this category that come close, maybe the Audio Physics Virgo (2-way floor stander). Good Hunting, Will