Talon Loudspeakers

Has anybody heard the Talon loudspeakers? Any thoughts? Especially the Talon Peregrine speakers ($6,000). Thanks.
Acujim, I appreciate that at least you could describe the sound quality of these speakers. OK, so they have a "fast" bass, that's nice. Most any speaker can have "fast" bass, with decent room setup. Either of my cone or planar speakers have unbelievably fast bass, besides the other attributes of these Talons you name. I think YOU ALL need to hear my system...Yesterday, I heard a system at a dealer that costed 6 times what mine costs, but mine sounded like a million dollars by comparison. Perhaps we are all biased by what we like, but I submit that my system is radically more transparent than most, because I know how to set up a room acoustically. I want to hear what's on the recording, and not the room's echo. The room echo at this dealer gave me all the transparency of a boombox on a Wal Mart display shelf...And no, I won't name this dealer (he didn't make me overly angry, so there's no need to roast him on here). Besides, ALL dealers I've ever visited don't know jack shack about setting up a room acoustically...
carl, i *have* to agree w/you about importance of room set-up. my system, while not cheap, is nowhere *near* some of the hi-dollar set-ups out there, but it's wery musically satisfying, because i'm blessed w/a nice big room - 25'x38'x8.5'. the room is the *most* important component of *any* stereo system, imho...
Yes! My room is 85 x 140 light years, or so...Just kidding! My smaller room is around 1800 cubic feet, and my large concrete one is 4200 cubic feet.
Glreno- I bought the Khorus' brand new and I hated the mid right out of the box. They are a design that has taken more break in than anything I have ever had. They are fabulous. I still am not sure they are better better than the VR 6's. They are two fine speakers. If I HAD to get rid of one, I'd keep the VSR's. Glad I don't have to sell either one.