Talon Loudspeakers

Has anybody heard the Talon loudspeakers? Any thoughts? Especially the Talon Peregrine speakers ($6,000). Thanks.
Another dimwitted post from my favorite imbecile Carl_eber. Carl, I'm glad that you've listened to every speaker in existence and can tell us that ONLY maggies aren't overpriced. What a moron you are!
Audiogon, is there a reason Phill is still allowed to post here? All of his posts referring to me personally should be deleted, they are wasting your server's electricity. Is there a reason you like having his personal attacks of me on here? If so, we need to discuss that in minute detail. Good day, sirs.
Carl, if you have any great need to be underwhelmed, then go listen to Legacy speakers. Any of the lot. In my area, they have "group" auditions every year. I usually go to keep up with their products, meet other area audiophiles(and because they have free food/drink). Actually, my first Legacy audition was THE most eye opening experience for me ever in audio. I had collected their catalogs, studied every spec, dreamed about them. They HAD to be the best, it was physics. I saved up enough money(I was maybe 19 or 20), and started to look. A local dealer had a used pair of their onetime flagship model(now called the Signature or Classic???). I brought my best music. And... Nothing. No emotion came to me at all. I had waited 3 years for this. I walked away, and didn't buy. It taught me to never judge a book(or a piece of audio equipment) by its cover(or advertisement - this also goes out to you, Bob Carver). Then about 4 years ago, the "auditions" started to come around. Just like the circus, travelling from city to city. I listened to almost every model. Again, nothing like they advertise. Not bad, just...nothing(to me, at least). I stopped off at a dealer on the way home, and listened to the Coincident speakers which so enthralled me the week before. And I walked out with them. The rest is history, and I still absolutely LOVE them.
Carl, I knew you were a moron, but I didn't know you were a crybaby too. Poor baby.
Keep it up, Phill, you're destined for banishment. Then who'll be the crybaby?