amps and cd players for magnepan 1.6qr

i just got my 1.6qr in auction. thinking about rega planet for cd. seperate or intergrated? musical fidelity a300, krell 300i, bryston 4bst, adcom, arcam? pls help.
An audition of the 1.6s with the Bryston 4BST almost resulted in my buying the combination several months ago. Considering that experience I would suggest looking at a better source than the Planet. Not that it's a bad CDP, but the Maggie/Bryston combination will not be very forgiving of upstream deficiencies. My audition involved a Meridian unit(model # escapes me) which mated well with the system.
I have a pair of 1.5's mated with a 4B-ST/Rogue 66 combo. Source is an Arcam Alpha 8SE and it meshes well. IMHO, your preamp, if you go with a straight amp, may have a greater effect on the outcome. If you do look at a Bryston amp and consider coupling it with a Bryston preamp your choice of source will be more difficult as this pair will be very revelaing. Just my opinion...
Hello... I also have 1.6's and do use a Krell 300i with them on occasion, but lately have been using a Mesa Baron (large tube amp)with the 1.6's. If you go with the Krell, it can sound strident with a "lesser" CD player or DAC. I agree with Rgd spend more on the front end. I use mainly a Cal Labs CL-20 CD-DVD which matches with the Krell/Magnepan very well. Not sure if you are familiar with the Magnepan Users Group (MUG). For all things Magnepan check out: Feel free to contact direct for further Krell/Maggie thoughts.
If it was me I would get the Bel Canto upsampler and a cheap DVD transport. For amp I have had good luck with a Baron on Magnepans