Any louspeakers that has a transferable warrantee?

This may be a strange question, but are there any loudspeaker companies that honor the transferable warrantee to the 2nd, 3rd, etc owner rather than just to the original owner?

I like the concept of Bryston that has 20 years warrantee and it's transferable. Just wondering if there are anything like this for loudspeakers.

Thanks a lot,

Every speaker manufacture that I know honors the transfer of warranties. I am sure there are a few that do not but realize most component manufactures honor the transfer of warranties also although there are a few exceptions.

You worry too much about things breaking. Honest. Consider the automobile. Look what kind of shake, rattle and roll occurs in the life of a car and most of the stuff still functions fine up until it gets too costly to replace major components that, by their nature, are meant to wear out. I rest my case.

Happy listening,
I know I may be a bit paranoid.. But as I will spend most of my saving building on the system and I will move to Thailand which service may be problematic so I just wanna make sure that I make the right decision to go with the used route.

To me it may be a bit to compare speakers to a car though. I I get what you tried to say.