Integrated amp for NEWFORM R645

I need to get an amp for newform r645 and am considering audio refinement complete, bryston B60 etc. any suggestions? the speakers are 91 dB sensitive.
the gnu musical fidelity integrated, the electrocompaniet integrated, the pathos classic one hybrid integrated, plinius integrated. all have good reviews, not *too* much money... doug. ps - tell me more about those r645's...
Hey Doug When are you getting your pair? When you do I would be interested in hearing a report from you.
hi tube groover. sure, but it may be a while - i plan on building a pair of speakers w/three accuton (also known as thiel & partner - german, no relation to thiel in kentucky) c2 88/6 drivers/side, crossed over at 1khz to newform research's 45" ribbon drivers. i was initially interested in purchasing newform's nhb645, (which uses two scan-speak revelator 5.5" mid-woofers/side), but when i emailed john meyer (newform's owner) the info on the c2 88/6's, he became interested in them himself. so, i am currently awaiting input from him, prior to proceeding. the accuton drivers are ceramic inverted domes, like the ones used in the kharma loudspeakers. info on accuton can be found at these sites: regards, doug. ps - if john reports unsatisfactory results, then i will go w/the nhb645's, different from the r645's, in that their smaller (5'5" vs 6.5") scanspeak drivers are a bit tighter, but not as extende in the low-end. not an issue for me, as i will be crossing them over to my vmps larger subs...