Lowther based speakers, worth a listen?

I have read some reviews about super efficient, lowther based systems. I am interesting in getting reports from real owners...and whether they always need to be paired with low powered tubes. What is the max input they can take wattage wise? PAUL
I think I saw a magazine (positive feedback ?) on the stand last month that had a cover article using lowther's, an SE tube amp, and the scd-1. Also, if you look on www.oregonlive.com and go to the classifieds, there is a guy selling a used set right now. Happy listening.
This is the web-site that I referred to in St.Louis: http://users.fastrans.net/classicaudio/Lowther.html
there's an interesting lowther-based design that seems intriguing - the hedlund horn - anyone have any experience w/this?: http://www.lowtherloudspeakers.co.uk/hedlund1.html thanks, doug