Aerial 10 T and EAD Poermaster 1000 ?

I am currently using the aerial model 6 with the ead powermaster 1000 (200x5 in 8 ohms), I am thinking of going to the aerial 10 t, any opinions if the ead would be suficient
I am using 10t's with vtl st150 tube amp 150 watts rms & they sound great Astonishing detail! . 200 watts tube would be the optimum!
I have 10t's as well. Using Levinson 33H's with great results. Try and hear the 10t's with reference grade amps! Blow you away!
Well, one thing's for certain, those of us with 10Ts are very lucky indeed! Gee Weiserb I have heard them with ARC tubes at 200 per side. It was very nice, and I didn't listen to them critically enough to compare them to my Krell. Still we're all pleased and using high end, though different, amplification. Kelly knows what he's doing!
Loving my 10Ts with BAT VK-30/VK-200 combo. Plenty of current from the BAT, wonderful texture, holographic detail. Voices especially splendid. Combines the liquidity of tubes with the slam of SS, which the Aerials punch out with gusto. This system combines the talents of Michael Kelly of Aerial and Victor Khomenko of BAT into a perfect match. Me is lucky.
You guys with 10Ts: What kinds of room treatments have you been using? And do you use the stands? I don't have any room treatments. I have it set with room objects doing absorption and reflection. I've got concrete floors (carpeted) and walls. I'm using the stands. Looking forward to your responses.