Why lots of B&W Nautilus for sale used?

I see a lot of B&W Nautilus speakers for sale, mostly 804s and 805s and some 803s. Considering the Matrix was around for 10 years, you would think there would be lots of them for sale from upgrading, but no. So is the Nautilus really better than the older Matrix overall despite what we hear??
Additional: I guess the Nautilus tweeter is better, but the rest of the speaker I do not know. Build quality is the other question. The Cherry veneer on the Nautilus is attractive, but they still do not look as solid as the Matrix models to me. The Matrix has a solid heavy grill design to help the sound dispersion. The Nautilus has a flimsy plastic grill much like the 600 series. I have not done a direct comparison of the two. What do you guys think?
Thirdly, is the Nautilus 803, 804, 805 worth the 60% increase in price in your opinion? Or triple what a mint used pair of Matrix go for??
I have a pair of N805s and it would be very difficult to convince me to sell them. I carefully considered many higher priced speakers but the B&Ws remained my favorites. The build quality seems exceptional.