Subwoofer opinion badly needed!

Hi. I'm looking for a sub to be used primarily for MUSIC (say, 98% of the time), that costs under $500, and will be used in a small/mid-sized room (approx. 18x12') with the following: Harmon Kardon AVR20II receiver Infinity RS225 (reference series speakers) I've had the following recommended but am still uncertain and would really like some 'sound' opinions. Keep in mind the main use is for music. Thanks!
I think you ll find good bass costs more than 500. Especially for a room your size. You want to shop for a used velodyne. You want minimum 12 inches,downfiring and lots of watts for tight bass. An inexpensive alternative I used in a much smaller room was a Kef 30b. I had it matched with a pair of kef c25s. It was nice and tight for the money.Also PSB made one a few years ago that was much better than the kef. Check their site for model numbers. It should be right in your price range used. steve
It'd be cheaper to build your own with a couple Shiva drivers and you'd actually get real bass.
the hsu tn1220ho can be had for less than $500, but only without an amp. check
try to find a Yamaha YST-500. It really is a very good sub and is a lot more musical than you'd expect to find in this price range. I have seem the go for as little as $200 and as much as $350 used. The cost around $800 new.
If you have to get a sub I would go to and get a "quake" or stretch for the "titan" as one other said. I don't have experience with either though, What I can say from experience is that a better pair of main speakers is the way to get better bass (while maybe not being as deep, definately more coherent and cleaner), not to mention everything else will be better. Sell the infinity's and take that money, plus your $500 budget and buy a nice set of mains. The BiroMod Wharfedale Diamond 7.2's at for $250 actually look tbetter than alot of stuff out there, and you could probably get your sub in the end too if your just dying to have one and it'll all be within your budget. I own the biro L/1's and those are very nice and I'm not running a sub yet with all my hybrid tube/solid-state electronics. My general opinion on the application of most subs is that they are a cheap fix for a not-so-good pair of front speakers and/or an amplifier(s) that are underdamped in the low-frequencies. And then of course there are sloppy DACs. If you got your bases covered on all that then a sub may be a *musical* choice. If your a music person, you'll probably be happier w/ just a better pair of speakers. Not to mention, you might want to get a nice little integrated amp (nad?). You could probably do a complete overhall, for your sub price range plus what you make off selling others. Keep in mind I'm not trying to divert you in any way, I'm just saying you'll get the better bass your wanting, not to mention everything else. But I, personnaly, wouldn't buy a sub. The marantz cd-67's used are running in the low 2's used as are good integrateds. I actually got my sister a pair of rotel pieces for $200 each demo's, cd player and 35wpc integrated. I can't say they are the best budget pieces, but they were 'new' and they matched. Good luck!