Bass Amp for Infinity RS 1B

I am currently using a Perreaux 150B (200w) solid state to drive the bass columns on this old system......any suggestions as to a newer/better amp for the bass units? Please keep cost in mind....thanks.
I use a Classe DR-15 very successfully in my setup. I tried several amps from different manufactures, Rotel, Perreaux and others and found the Classe to be the best by no small margine.
Fred, can you recall which Perreaux model it was that you tried ? I'm curious. The only two that i'm familiar with personally would be the 2150's and the 3150's. While similar in looks, these two amps sound very different from each other. I'd be curious to see what others opinions are of some of the newer, more current models ( if they are familiar with them). Sean >
Sorry for the late post. Rwd, I don't believe you can use a floating ground(bridged) amplifier design with the RS-1B's active crossover and woofer towers. I think the servo will feed back. You'll know it if you've ever experience it-the sound is akin to Shamu, the killer whale, in heat. The Aragon 4004 is a good sounding bass amp for the money(but you have to get the amp off its soft rubber feet-try Black Diamond Racing mkIVs or even Tip Toes). A killer amp would be a Krell KSA-250. The Infinity RS-1B was such a great speaker(I'm trying to get a set for myself), really a reference speaker much like the Quad ESL-57 was a reference, but they beg for the best electronics(and set-up) you can do.