Talon Khorus Speakers

Has anyone heard the Talon Khorus Speakers? I have heard they are quite good and compete or surpass the best. If anyone has heard them do you know if it benefits from the Roc subs, and if so do you need 2 for proper image and focus?
The units go down to seventeen HZ. You do not need the subs. Ignore the reviewer comments concerning the subs on stereotimes.com, he stole the information from my uncle and tried to add to it (unsuccessfully I might add). The subs are great but I don't think the speakers need them. If you just want the added bass impact that is another story. I bought the speakers and I have heard them with 2 powered ROC subs. It is in my opinion over-kill, but...if it makes you happy that is all that counts. :) Mike
I own the Khorus. It is a great speaker that seems to work well with a wide variety of amplifiers. They has a soundstaging and imaging ability that I have never heard in a speaker before. They are also able to produce inner detail like no other speaker I've heard. The combination makes this speaker incredibly holographic. And they do this while remaining extremely musical. I replaced Von Schweikert VR6s with them, and have never looked back. They have a very long break-in period, and don't sound good out-of-the-box. There are now two excellent reviews out on them at Stereotimes and Soundstage. There are also many posts about them on this site, so I'm not going to duplicate what has already been said. As far as the subs goes, I have never felt that I have needed it for bass in my room. I get floor and wall shaking bass out of them. A friend of mine has two subs. His room is larger. He says that the use of the subs improves the speakers because they no longer have to deal with the low frequency extension. When you use the subs, you have to block the rear port. This supposedly improves the performance of the Khorus from the mid- bass up. That is the only reason I might do it. I haven't tried it, but I probably will, given my friend's enthusiasm about them. The use of one or two is dependent on room size. He started with one, and bought a second.
Ditto what Glreno said. They are amazing speakers. I have ordered the ROC even though I am skeptical as to how the can improve on the presentation. I have passed the 500 hour breakin threshold and these babies just sing.
Has anybody got a comparison to Vandy5's? Talon used/we have a couple of pairs used at this site/ are the same price as Vandy new.I have the threads on ea+ the review on the 5's in TAS,but never someone who has heard both.If I decide on the 5's I get the dealer demos W/ set up