buying used speakers

How risky is it to buy used speakers off audiogon? I have owned two pairs of speakers for over twenty years with no problems. Can speakers look and sound ok and still be damaged? Are some brands more prone to damage (blown drivers ect.) than others?
Make certain you know all there is to know about the speakers before purchasing them over the internet and that they will work well in your system- The money you save buying used is worth it in most cases. But be prepared to expect to spend some of that money you saved buying used to upgrade or for repairs- (bad drivers etc). Most repairs are not that expensive, and you'll have new speakers. If you like the speaker and trust the seller the worst case is getting a bargain and doing some fixing-up and having a great sounding system. YOu get what you pay for...Good luck!
Buying anything online can be risky,let alone expensive audio components, but you can minimize potential problems by following a few basic guidelines. Try to audition the product you're interested in, so you at least have some kind of idea what they will sound like in a comparable set-up. Second, speak to the seller in person. Most any reputable person will honestly tell you why they're selling and will confirm what condition the speakers are really in. I have found that in dealing with a service such as Audiogon, whose members are generally deeply committed to the the goal of better sound rather than profit, is the best way to go. Over the past year, I have replaced my entire system, and the buying and selling of speakers was the most pleasurable, although the most time-consuming. I owned a pair of Snell A IIIs, which I was replacing for a pair of Avalon Eclipses. I found a pair listed on Audiogon, we emailed back and forth a few times, exchanged each others' phone numbers and began our dicussions in person. I live in South Carolina, he lives in California. We got together on the price and worked out all the details on shipping and after numerous conversations the Eclipses were on their way. I can't begin to tell you how pleased I am with them. They were better than as described. The member that I bought them from, Dale Epperson, was honest to a fault, even desribing some flaw that he knew about that one would never have seen. By the time it was all said and done, an investment of almost $4000.00 felt like a real bargain. He's even called and emailed since then to say hi and making sure that I was still as happy as the day that I received them, which I am! Be careful with who you do business with. Anyone can be dishonest, but at least if you have a problem with an Audiogon member or transaction, you have some recourse. That's what the feedback section is all about. Use it and others will too. Check it before you buy from someone, it's no guarantee, but it's the best we have. And as the old saying goes, "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is". With proper precaution, you too can purchase speakers online with confidence and save some money in the process. Best of luck!!!
It is just as risky as answering a classified ad in Sterophile or TAS. Although there are some preditors out there, most people on Audiogon appear to be extremely honorable. I have had many dealing and have only had one incident with a gentleman named Bob Roles who took me for $65.00. It happened to be the least expensive of all my transactions. I will still buy on Audiogon. There is something called i-escrow which protects both parties. The buyer has a pre-determined amount of time to inspect the shipment and upon his approval, i-escrow pays the seller. If it is denied, buyer has a limited amount of time to send tracking info to i-escrow for return.
I have bought spent over $3K on used electronics bought on-line in the last year. Worth every penny and each transaction went smoothly. Gear in at least as good condition as described. You can definately get a flavor of how the product is by the type of communication you have with the seller by email and over phone. However, with speakers there certainly is more risk (shipping, bad driver, etc.) Then there is the risk of incompatibility with system. Certainly sticking with a known product would reduce that risk, but then how do you find out what that known product is. Some would audition at local dealer; I do not recommend that. Its dishonest and you are wasting their time and money. So knowing what will work in your system is a problem. However, if you stick with well known products, there would be little if any loss on a resale. Also with speakers probably most important to have original boxes. Escrow service certainly is good protection for both parties, but so far have not had any problems. I would recommend watching this or any other site for a few weeks first, you can start to see patterns with sellers over time.
Jsbail: Your questions are too general for may taste. I will say that loudspeakers bought used, are one of the "less sure" things you can do. I've done it, but only directly from the manufacturer, and I also sort of got lucky. IMO, People are much less likely to "go through" speakers for the sole purpose of trying several to see what they like, than they are to do so with electronics. That said, I have NO generalized impressions of "how the buying of a loudspeaker 'works out'", here at this site. I have purchased other items thru here with no real problems at all. However, I feel that trying to SELL something through this site is a real pain, you get tons of lowball offers and harassment, much of it from persons not in the USA, or even in an English-speaking country. I prefer another audio site when I advertise something for sale. Maybe that's just me. You want that troublemaker's name? I don't know the real one, but he called himself "chnupa". Anybody else hear of him?