buying used speakers

How risky is it to buy used speakers off audiogon? I have owned two pairs of speakers for over twenty years with no problems. Can speakers look and sound ok and still be damaged? Are some brands more prone to damage (blown drivers ect.) than others?
Dammit, I wanted ProAc 3.8's, but can't afford them. It's like me asking you if it's alright if I just bought some Genesis 201's for $16k...the owner signs his name in blood, that I'll love them, but I'm still not sure...Also, Sandra Bullock wants to date me, but I'm just not sure if she's famous enough to go to all that trouble...blah blah. GOOD LUCK, I BET YOU'LL LOVE THESE!! The finish alone on all Response series speakers makes me crazy!
Speakers arrived yesterday. They are perfect. The cherry veneer even matches my built in bookcases which helps with WAF. Bass is deep and tight. Soundstage is wide and open. Voices have chest and throat. I can even listen to all those bad recordings made by people on drugs for people on drugs in the late sixties and early seventies without ear bleed. I think I will have these speakers for a long time. I used I-escrow for the transaction. You can specify the length of time you want to inspect the merchandise before notifing I-escrow to pay seller, or if you want to ship it back. Takes a lot of the risk of buying used gear site unseen, and I will use it in the future for any substantial purchases. My winter project to design a decent room for these babys.