Creek, Rega, Oppo CD Player/DAC

I just purchased a Creek EVO 50A amp and a pair of Spendor S3/5R2 that sits on my office desktop. I also have an IMAC and an original Dragonfly DAC. I want to get a CD Player / DAC and see Creek will be releasing one soon, the EVO 50CD at $1500.00 and Rega has one too, the Saturn-R at $3000.00. My question is why would I buy one of those since I can get a new Oppo BDP-105 CD/DAC for $1200.00 that plays SACD and Blu-Ray Discs and has Pandora and I can attach a hard Disc or a thumb drive. I don't get it. Are Creek and Rega not aware of the Oppo or do they really sound thay much better?
Some people belive that a dedicated CD player sounds better on standard Redbook CDs than the multi-function players. It's a "purist" thing. For the most part, I agree with this. I've owned multi-format players costing up to 5K and, IMO, they do not do CD as well as a $3K CD player. This may not be true in the upper ranges, say $10K and up, but I've never auditioned one of these players, so I don't know.
Why indeed. Audio sound quality is subjective and thus lends itself to magical thinking and imagined distinctions. The Oppo BDP-105 has been well reviewed and is an established product with outstanding support. Buy the Oppo. The "purist" will urge you to take the Oppo output directly to your amp without an intervening preamp or processor, and that's not bad advice. You may want to sell the Dragonfly DAC.

OPPOs are way over-rated IMO. And Rega's? Phffft....

I agree with Chayro, the simpilar the better the CD player for redbook CDs.
I bought an Oppo 105 it trounced my Ayre CX-7. So that sort of kills that argument as although the Ayre was getting on a bit in it's day it cost three times the price of the Oppo.

Plus you have the benefits of the new formats-the HD Tracks version of Kind Of Blue is the best I have heard, the new Mofi Dylan Desire SACD is the best version I've heard-Queen's A Night At The Opera on Blu Ray is the best I've heard.

One player and it does a lot of things very well.

Indeed didn't one Audiogoner on here-one of the ones with a system off the scale of us mere mortals tells us that the Oppo was damn excellent in his system? Yes he did.