Fellow Canucks, help me out svp. Thanks, Jeff

Appreciate any guidance you can provide. I sold a tuner to a gent in the U.S.; it got damaged in transit and he wants to return it to me for full refund. Fair enough. He tried to send it back to me UPS ground and UPS wanted $180 upon delivery, I refused the shipment. What carrier should be used that's reasonably priced without getting gouged when it comes back to me? How can I get this back to me without paying duties, taxes, brokerage fees? I bought it in Montreal and it's mine after all...It's an Audio Refinement Complete Tuner that I'll have repaired under warranty. Thanks!
What???!! $180 for duties and freight? The buyer should have asked for a quote on the shipping before just sending the stuff back. He should also have made a nt to the broker (UPS broker) that the merchandise was returned to Canada because it was DOA and he could have at least gave them the original bill of lading to confirm the situation before it was sent back to you.

Now, it is too late. What has been done has been done. All I can say is to ask UPS to hold the shipment and sort it out with the buyer saying he should be responsible for half the return shipment cost because he failed to get a quote and make proper documents for duty exempt on a return shipment.

Just my 2 cents
Jeff - IMHO the choice of courier service and all the ducks in a row should have been liuned up before the tuner left for its return trip. Also the documentation would appear to be insufficient as the unit should have been noted as defective and being returned to the owner as well as being "used". This is where the buyer was remiss but I am not sure as to your possible recourse. I'd say it is up to you to do the ground work to get the shipment released to you with reduced costs. Not really fair but its probably the way things will shake out. Its unbelieveable that UPS wants such a large amount. I have had 2 packages delivered via UPS Ground from the US both being decidely larger than a tuner and neither ran costs near that high and both were brand new so I paid duty on retail prices...
Thanks fellas, the tuner was returned to the gent and is back in the U.S., what's the best way to get it to me without getting screwed over? Damned gov't