Vote for the best speakers in 10K range

I didn't have chance to hear many of speakers in that price range. I am curious what is the opinion of the audiophile world.
vonschweikert vr5 with vr7 woofers. read dennis hartwick's review this month at he says..and i agree. that "given what i know is out there,they are the best". there is even a se version with special holvand caps.
alon circe are one of the best I have listened to and plan on buying a pair . I own alon mk. 5's and there mini monitors the petite if you want hifi look elsewhere if you like music look at the alon but you must use tubes with them. i also owned the alon mk2 a few years ago but sold then to a neighbor so I still get a chance to here them quite often . I think alon cable works well with them but if you can find apex speaker cable [no longer made] this is also very fine
Je propose les Parsifals Encores de Verity Audio a Quebec.
Simplement merveilleux et extraordinaire! Profond, naturelle, un peu relaxe...mais toujours exigent et plein de musicalite! Salut! Ernest