I've heard the adrenalines at a friend's house hooked up to a spectral and rowland setup. Quad Rowland amps ! I thought they sounded like a very large, detailed, and refined multi-coned dynamic speaker. Probably the most remarkable characteristic is their ability to produce large detailed yet weighty soundfields without being overpowering or sounding like a huge speaker. Sonically, they reminded me of a giant audio physic tempo but with greater bass and a larger soundstage. The sheer size of the drivers allows the speakers to portray spacially complex soundfields similar to a magnepan. They don't quite have the coherence of a magnepan 1.6, nor the timbral purity and weight of a vandersteen 5, nor the low level detail and speed of an audio physic virgo. They do manage to do all these things quite well though. Very fast, powerful bass. A real-live reference speaker. Overall, maybe the best speaker I've heard. Very very strong in all areas. Huge things. You must have a dedicated room.....
Tell us what you think !