speaker cable, stand help for Totem sig.

I just got a pair of Totem Model 1 Signatures to run with a Creek 6060 integrated amp and a Micromega Stage 1 and I need to choose some stands and some cables. I guess I'm looking for something at a price point in accord with the other components, but any suggestions whatsoever will be warmly appreciated. Thanks!
thanks for your vigilance cornfedboy, there was a problem with my password being rejected and then the post showing up anyway, and i had tried it three times... sorry.
I have a pair of Totem 1s and have been using the Atlantis Reference 28 inch stands. These are similar to the Target stands with the 4 fillable pillars and work very well. Mine are silica sand filled and I use stick tak $1.99 (same as blue tak that Audio Advisor sells for $10) to anchor the speakers to the top plate. They retail for about $400 but can be found for a bit less.
Target R1 or similar are the way to go. Anything less beefy will not anchor the small Totems well enough for them to be coherent from the upper bass on down.