Internal Speaker Rewiring

I have a pair of PSB Status Goldi's that sound surprisingly very good. Better than some other speakers I've heard at twice and thrice the price. In an effort to make them sound even better, I'd like to give a go at replacing all the internal wiring. Can anyone suggest the best wire to use and the best solder for making the connections? Obliged for help.
Yes, this is a huge sonic upgrade. What I would suggest is that you find a speaker wire that you feel gives you the performance you enjoy on the MAIN type of music you listen to. Then purchase an additional 8 feet (4 ft for each speaker) and re-wire your speakers with it. There are two real choices in Solder available today and sonically they are slightly different. Wonder Solder (my preference) has slightly laid back sonics with good detail and dynamics. The WBT solder seems to add more ZIP and can come accross bright in certain applications but also offers excellent detail and transparency.. You choose..

When you are doing this also eliminate any tin clips and solder the wire directly to the crossover and the drivers. Those clips detract from the sound in most cases. Finally when you are finished, check the screws on all of the drivers and torque them to a similiar torque setting. This makes a big difference and you will be surprised how loose certain screws will be on your drivers.. Hope this helps..

Sean's advice should be taken. I've had similar experiences and I believe Albert Porter has as well. In fact if I remember correctly, after Albert "upgraded" his wire and his speakers sounded terrible he went back to the amnufacturer (or sent his speakers in). To his suprise, they did not change his upgraded wire, but rather changed the capacitors so that the voicing was back to where it was. The resistance and capacitance of the wire is part of the voicing (whether it was in the design, or just a product of whatever wire was used). You will change the sound, and possibly not for the better (so save the old wire just in case).
All great advice. Clueless' suggestion about caps with Rives' supporting comments are right on the money, especially if the speakers have a few years on them. You might not believe how much sonic influence crossover parts ( primarily caps ) make on a speaker. The Kid's comments about "unnecessary" parts / connections and the quality of such connections in the circuit path are also true. It all adds up. Like i said though, keep a very serious "log book" if you're going to attempt such work. It might seem like it slows you down and is a waste of time, but believe me, should you ever have to fall back upon your notes ONE time, it will be well worth the time spent. Sean
Thanks for the well thought suggestions. I had this pair in my system orignally and replaced them with Sonus Faber Cremona. I friend has a pair of Dunlavy SC-IV and these PSB's just waxed them in a one-on-one test in my system and his. As a project, I thought I'd see if I could make them sound even better, albiet different, I realize.

I bought the PSB's used sometime ago on Audiogon and they were purported to have only three months usage at that time. In keeping with advise to document all original wiring, I removed first the post covers, notebook and pencil in hand. I found that the "original" internal wiring includes Monster cable that has been soldered directly to the posts and crossover connections. Hmmmmm. Looks like I won't have an accounting of the "original" wiring, but one of a previous "rewire"! Guess I will have to contact PSB to find out what "original" really was.
Ooops, by bad. Closer inspection reveals that the internal wiring is Audio Research HF-164 12 ga. cords, not Monster.