Wilson watt puppy 3/2 with Wow sub?

Hi, I am thinking about buying these sight & sound unseen/heard,but have never read such mixed reviews and emotions from audiophiles as Watt puppies. I know it is alway's best to listen first, but in this case it is not possible. It is either these, or Infinity IRS Beta's. Again puppies include the Wow sub. Any opinions will be greatly appreciated. Room size 20x20x12
If you like detail, accuracy and dynamics, the Wilson's are for you. They are wonderful and most people that bad mouth them either have not heard them, or have not heard them with complimentary electronics. They are a very safe bet, but your electronics matter. Any problems in your system will show up through these speakers. Good Luck!
I heard the combination you are asking about at the CES one year in the Audio Research room. It was one of the few rooms where I sat down and listened to the music rather than stand and listen, then leave. I agree that this speaker gets very mixed opinions from people. Perhaps they are difficult to get right, or the dealers who sell them fail to present them properly. I would like to hear them in an audiophiles home, where the system is really maxed out, and see what they are capable of.