Will ARC VT-100 Mk. II drive ProAc 3.8's.

ProAc 3.8's according to the ProAc web site are 88db at a nominal impendance of 8 ohms. I play all types of music at a high volumn. Room is 11x17x8. Would like to drive ProAc 3.8 with one Audio Research VT-100. Can't borrow speakers from dealer, no ProAc dealer in my state. If I need to I will use two VT-100's. Has anyone tried the 3.8's with one or two ARC VT-100's. Please let me know how it sounded.
I have a chord 600 (130 wpc) and when I am rockin out I feel as though I need more power for my 3.8s -- I guess you can't have TOO much power.
The VT-100 is not at all the same as the VT-100 MKII. I've not heard the VT-100 MKIII (can't say I have read of anyone blown away by the III - generally it seems the MKII is the winner.) I had my VT-100 MKI upgraded to the II. Like a V6 to a V8!

But the real question is what is loud to you? If you really pump them up, I wonder if 100wpc is enough? FWIW, and completely ignorant of the taper on the volume pot, my VT100MKIII into 93db sensitivity/Watt/meter speakers at 9 O'Clock on knob puts out about 85db at my listening seat, in a big room, about 9 feet away. 10 o'clock would likely hit 90db with a recent (compressed and loud) CD. 90db is loud.

The diff between speaker sensitivities of 88 and 93 is not subtle. Let someone do the math.
I currently own ProAc 3.8s and run them with a single VT-100 MKII. You will find that the VT-100 has more than enough power. The sound is fabulous with excellent bass, life-like midrange, and extended highs. Believe me this is a great sonic match.