Subwoofer Controls? Dual Volume Setting

I currently own a B&W ASW1000 subwoofer and use it in my home theater as well as for two channel music. The trouble I'm having is that I believe there should be different settings for HT vs. 2 channel music.

For example a perfect subwoofer setting for the Matrix would produce horrible results when listening to most music.

I know the B&W ASW4000 has separate LFE inputs and L/R Line Level inputs governed by separate volume controls for each.
Unfortunately, B&W does not provide this option on ANY of is's other subwoofers.

Does anyone have a fix for this? Is there a subwoofer control device of sorts which has separate inputs and would provide separate volume controls for LFE and L/R?
I have separate systems. I have a Q100E for the movie setup, with B&W 600 series speakers and an Onkyo Receiver; and a Storm III in my Audio system which is much more high end.
I checked the REL website and you must have tried an old model. There is not a model with dual 10s and they all seem to have the separate high and low pass inputs and volume controls. I would give them another look. E-Mail Sumiko to see what dealers are near you. (See Rel dealer link).
I have a Stentor II and I think it is rated to 17 hz. It shakes objects off of shelves. I know I am a minority but I have always thought the perfect sub was best for either audio or home theater. I like the realism you get in home theater with an audiophile sub. Boomy bass may make explosions sound better but it is at the cost of clarity.
I have a Velodyne HGS-12 and feel that it works very well for both audiophile and HT music. I have Proceed/Pass/Revel/NBS stuff. I have the sub sourced from the "Sub out" on the Proceed processor, which allows me to choose which channels the sub gets its sound from and what crossover freq to use.