Monitors for Bryston 4B ST

I am looking for a pair of Monitor Speakers for my Bryston 4B ST (250watts/channel) amp & Morrison ELAD preamp. Like to keep my price around $1,500.00. I have heard so many great review on the Reynaud Twins MKII but it rated at 100watts, will my Bryston will be too much for it? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
I'm not sure where you live, how gigantic your listening room is, or, what you listen to, but why would you want to go anywhere near 115W peak for the Twins? JMR speakers hunger for refined, clean power(not that Bryston don't deliver that). In fact, the guy I bought my Twins mkII from was running them w/ a Decware Zen SET at 8 watts, and claimed excellent results! While this is pushing the envelope, it does make a point. Also, at $1,500-1,800 you could get the Trente's which blow away the already amazing Twins and have a peak handling of 240 Watts.

I run my Twins mkII's with a Rotel 980bx (120Wx2), while it is nowhere near the same leaque as your Bryston's 250 per watts, my neighbors can easily sing along in their bedrooms at 20-30 watts (or more accurately, 11:30-12:00 on the vol. dial). I live in a decent sized house (2600 sq. ft) on a 120 ft. by 100 ft. lot, so our house's aren't that close (by So. Cal standards). My living room is 20 ft. x 16 ft. But this misses the point, the Twins are a beautiful sounding speaker that is incredibly revealing and an immense pleasure to listen to. They deliver a refined, balanced, and wonderfully musical sound that draws you into the performance. Depending on room size, I can't see how it would take more than 10-30 watts to achieve this Nirvana (excluding dynamic peaks). And please understand that both the Twins and Trente's 6.7"" woofers will never deliver room-slamming bass, so they don't require large amounts of power like 12" or 15" rockers. But what they do deliver is a very clean perfectly defined low frequency notes.

So, what I am trying to say is that with the JMR speakers you will reach musical bliss long before you near their max power handling(<20%) . And they will be the best speakers you have ever experienced! Please buy them and enhance your life- In case you haven't read all the reviews of the Trente's and Twins, here is site with quite a few,:
Dartmebius.Thanks for the response, my living room is about the same size as yours. I have You are right, i should save my money and buy the Trente. I have read so many great reviews on the Twins but not the Trente, so thanks for the links.
My room is only marginally smaller than yours. I am currently running B&W CDM-1SEs with an Adcom GFA-555. I have no fear of "overpowering" these speakers. The key is that you provide only clean power to the speakers. A speaker with a lower power rating will probably be painfully loud long before you approach or surpass the power rating. As for a speaker for you amp ... I have gone my entire audiophile life with various B&W monitors at the front of the room. Listen to the new CDM-NT series and if you can stretch, the Nautalis 805s. I have been listening around lately ... the only way I've found to surpass the B&Ws is making the step to electrostatics. Martin Logan Aerius Is are amazing ... but not monitors. Good luck. Would love if future posts revealed what decision you made and why.