Omar Bose...

has passed.
Early in my audio career, I was part of a Bose demonstration at a hotel in NY for the audio retail community. We connected a model 901 to an electrical outlet for about 8 minutes, showing that, the drivers can withstand a lot of current, and, the use of no crossover, they were practically indestructible. After the 8 minutes, we connected it back up to the crown amp and it played fine. How many of us would dare do that with our speakers. The foam surrounds back then deteriorated, and now they use butyl rubber, as most now do. Say what you want, but at todays price of under $1500. for a set, including the eq, set up properly, against a proper wall, suspended from the ceiling, as they should be, they are a product that can deliver some listening fun. I will not buy a pair, but honestly, you can spend a lot more, and do a lot worse. I must have installed a hundred pair of 901s back in the day (many to the NY Jets franchise), and the owners were very happy. Just a fun product, that does do some things very well ! MrD

Your post reminded me....

In the early 70's a couple of friends and I drove from San Diego to a movie theater in LA to see the premiere of "The Concert for Bangladesh". Ravi Shankar was there in person. The theater had a whole bunch of Bose 901's suspended from the ceiling. The concert/movie was great...giant screen and VERY LOUD. I actually went up to the snack bar and got a paper napkin, tore two pieces of it off to stick in my ears. It was louder than many of real concerts I've been to.

I did own a pair of the 901's back then and enjoyed them.

I heard a difference that I thought was quite noticeable between the first Wave Radio/CD (that had the flip up lid for the CD) and the second generation one that you inserted the CD in from the front. To my ears, it sounds like it has a better amp in it.

It came out not too soon after the one I bought. The Bose store took mine back at full price and gave me the newer one. I just paid the sales tax. I think the 3rd gen is pretty much the same with some FM enhancements.

It may not be your cup of tea. I bought mine before Herbie touted it or I heard any of their advertising claims so maybe my expectations weren't up so high. But I like it and still have it. I'd call it more of a "music lover" product for someone who wants it simple than an "audiophile" one.
Onemug, thank you for your response. I seem to remember anything and everything having to do with audio and music, memory, being what it is. Listening to music is all about having fun ! MrD.

Agree with you totally. Forgot to add in my post that I admire your system, especially the Marantz 15. I have a 16b that I have a lot of "fun" with.