Maggie 1.6QR vs 3.6R and Room Size

I've recently moved house and my new listening space is 60'x32'.
I'm using a small monitor speaker (QLN Signature Splitfield II's) and they do a fair job in this larger room, but not great, which is understandable given their small dimensions.
I'm looking at Maggies as the probable choice for an upgrade, but I'm leaning toward the 1.6QR due to cost. My budget is around $4, so if I went for the 3.6's I wouldn't have much left for amplification (current amp is a CJ CAV 50 integrated).
So the question is this: will the 1.6's work in this size room, or should I wait and get more cash together for the 3.6's?
What kind of results might I expect with the there a possibility of ribbon problems when playing at spl's high enough to charge this size room?
Also, does anyone have experience of using the 1.6's with 50w tubes like the CJ CAV?...if this is too small, can anyone recommend a good tubed partner for the 1.6.

I do not have the opportunity to audition these speakers, so would have to commit and buy a used pair on AG then hope for the best.

Lastly, I have a pair of Apogee Caliper Signature II's that have some ribbon damage on one speaker...does anyone think it might be better going through the hassle of having these repaired? do they perform in a large room and how do they compare against the 1.6QR

So many problems, so many questions!!

Many thanks in advance for input and insight from a knowledgable audiophile.

Theoretically you can drive the 3.6's with 50wpc. You can also run a Ferari on regular unleaded as well...

And I have heard them being driven by ARC CA-50 amp. BUT, as Kck indicated the more power you can feed them, the better they will sound. No ifs ands or buts.

The last amps I had with the 3.6's were 2 Plinius SA-100 mk3 amps running in MONO (665 wpc into the maggies). Sound was great, better than any 100wpc amp could sound into them.

I'm using 1.6QR's in a 10 X 17' room. My previous amp
was a Mark Levinson 27.5, an excellent amp but under-
powered for the 1.6's. When turned up loud, dynamics
were compressed and it sounded strained. I sold the
27.5 and replaced it with a Levinson 335 (500 W/Chan
at 4 ohms). The increase in power gives a more
relaxed and dynamic presentation.
60' X 32'? I think its safe to say you need big speakers and big amplification.
I hope you mean it's an open floor plan and not one room that size? It does make somewhat of a difference but still a lot of space to fill with sound. You may want to check out some of the horn systems on the market..they match very well with tubes and can fill large rooms with clean sound@very little power.

First of all, the sound difference between the 1.6 and 3.6 IS worth the money ( there is a pair of 3.6 on AgoN right now). Secondly 50 watts is probably not enough. Maggies need current- the more the better, a solid state amp would probably be a better choice than tubes and 100 or more watts of that would be even better. I personally use a BAT VK500 to drive my 3.5s. I started out buying a 1.6 pair until I heard the 3.5, it was a no brainer to move up. Your room is large, the larger maggies will shine in that environment. With proper placement and power they are truly phenominal speakers. Also, the 3.5 comes very close to the 3.6 and is available at a good price here.