How many here heard the "Wall of Sound" Dead 70's

How many people had the great fortune of hearing the fantastic system the Dead used in the early 70's with the Wall driven by Phase Liner and Mac with speakers to the ceiling. Was it the best ever?
Saw the famous "Wall" in Jersey City, 1974. Without a doubt, the cleanest-sounding big rig I've ever heard. During the music, you could whisper to your friend and still be heard. Yeah, those were Macs piled high. But not sure whose drivers were in the tweeter array and cabinets.
For those interested, there were 48 Mac 2300 amps feeding JBL drivers and Electrovoice tweeters. There were 641 speakers in the wall. 89 15" drivers 178 12" drivers, 320 5" drivers 54 tweeters. For more details see:
I attended about 10 shows with this system and don't think I've heard it's better yet. A few shows latter on they experimented with surround in a delayed system covering the hall.Anyone hear this?
Airtaxi, I see where John Curl was a consultant on this system. I was in an audio shop in Berkeley about a month ago and this unassuming, but very friendly guy is in the store and we begin to chat. He obviously knows a GREAT DEAL about the amp I had in there and several other topics, so I ask him if he works there. He says no but he's worked on a lot of equipment. After about 10 more minutes, says he has to run and gets in his car and drives off. One of the guys from the shop comes out from the back and says, "Oh, I see you met John Curl". THEN he tells me!