Speakers like Linn close to the wall ??

I would like to know if there are any other speakers which are designed to perform best when close to the back wall like the Linn speakers (designed for 4 to 12 inches from back wall). Unfortunately this is an issue for me due to the room. Thanks for the advice.
There is one good one I know of/there may be many others I don't know of/ the one:NHT 3.3 seen from time to time here for 1700...Everybody; up against the wall!!
The Egglestonworks speakers are. I have a pair of Andras, and both the manufacturer and reviewers state that the speaker was designed to throw a very wide sound front and superb bass out of a relatively small size enclosure, while hugging the rear wall. Mine are slightly toed in, with the rear sides respectively 11" and 13" from the rear walls, and about 2.5' from a corner, with no slap-back. My old B & Ws required tube traps behind them in these locations. These don't. I use a smaller pair of Egglestons, the Isabels, as rear speakers, and they are similar in operation. The Andras are $14,900 and the Isabels $3,400 with stands, but there are several models between them in price.
I just bought a pair of Linn AV 5140s that I've positioned slightly toed in and about 12-14" from the wall... they sound better here than they did with a better amp & pre-amp at the showroom, where they were placed about 3-4 feet from the back wall. The space savings here in cramped NYC are really key. If you buy Linns, not that the Ninkas have front-firing woofers, while the 5140s are rear-firing. Good luck.