Help wanted in regards to monitors...

Looking to spend 2000.00 on either new or used speakers. The shortlist so far includes Aerial 5's, SF Concerto Home or Grand Piano, ProAc 1sc or 1.5's, Tyler Ref. Monitors, and last but not least the B&W N805's. I know I have included some "full size" speakers in the list above but all are in my price range. I listen to rock, r&b and Jazz. (no classical yet.) My system includes a 4B ST and a Threshold T3 with the new NAD T-550. I appreciate any input or critique of the above speakers. Also what is your take on Dynaudio products and do they manufacture their own drivers and tweets?
You should also try the Merlin TSM-M's. I love mine, but as a previous poster stated, prepare to get some high quality stands. There were some 24" Osiris listed on this site recently, I own them as well and they are excellent.

Good luck.
I would add the J.M. Reynaud Trentes to your sure to include their magic stands if you go this way.
all the above are worth auditioning, imho. re: dynaudio, yse they make their own drivers - they also make drivers for many of the top speaker mfrs, including some of the ones mentioned above.

for other choices, i'd also recommend diapason adamantes - one of the most beautiful monitors i've ever seen; they are also the most holographic dynamic-driver speakers i've ever heard. not well-known in the usa, they can sometimes be found used in your price-range. they also go amazingly low for small monitors - real output below 40hz.

i'd also czech out the newform research r645's or the nhb645's. these can be had brand-gnu, delivered to your door for $2265, & yure only out return-shipping if they don't do it for ya after a 30-day in-home trial. they've gotten amazing feedback on audioreview - especially telling, imho, is the related equipment being used w/'em, & other speakers their owners considered. they are what's gonna be the next speaker chez-sedon. if they're not up to my expectations, i will keep my eyes peeled for a pair of the adamantes...

good luck, doug s.

I own the Tyler Ref Monitors and they are an excellent speaker. I just recently purchased the Wilson Cub II, so the Tyler will be used for the rears in my home theater. Because the Tylers are unknown, you can buy them used for about $1400, and for that price they are a steal. I saw on the Auction page that a pair was up for auction. Unfortunately, I have not heard the other speakers you have listed.
I've heard the Aerials, N805 and both SF speakers (I own the SF Concerto). I don't like Aerials in general though many others love them. I like the 805s. Paired with a Krell amp I thought the sound was terrific, very full from top to bottom. I bought the Concerto over the Grand Piano with the intent of adding a Rel sub, which I believe is needed since the Concerto only goes down to 45hz (last years model) or 40hz (this years model). To me the, the Concerto sounded a bit more musical and open compared to the Grand Piano. Adding a good sub will cost between 1K and 2K so the overall cost will be slightly more than the GPs. I should add that I have not heard the new model of the GPs.

If you buy the speakers used, you should be able to get the Concertos for approx. $1,100-1,300 and a good sub for 1K.

Good Luck.