Not everyone agrees about different lengths. Of course, the wires to the speakers should be as short as possible, but you won't be able to tell the difference between different lengths to the speakers unless the disparity is really big and you have very sensitive hearing (maybe). The only reason(s) different lengths would sound different have to do with resistance capacitance and inductance if those things have an audible effect (I dont want to discuss this, but believe on a completely non-scientifc basis that they do). The signal travels too fast to make an audible difference in arrival time.
I use different lengths in 2 fairly revealing systems (ratio of 1.5 to 1)and am pretty sensitive to differences in cables and have no problems at all.
But, if you are uncomfortable with this, and with 70 feet of wire I hope you're not using something really expensive or else have ore money than you know what to do with, use equal lengths. Why not?
I use different lengths in 2 fairly revealing systems (ratio of 1.5 to 1)and am pretty sensitive to differences in cables and have no problems at all.
But, if you are uncomfortable with this, and with 70 feet of wire I hope you're not using something really expensive or else have ore money than you know what to do with, use equal lengths. Why not?