Monitor Speaker Vote "Face Off"...

I have being visiting Audigon for the last year and I find the postings very helpful. I am presently in the process of buying a set of monitor spekers in the range of $1000-$1500 used. I am considering Tylo Ref. Monitors, Silverline SR-17,
Solliloquy 5.0, ProAc 1SC and Sonus Faber Concerto. Before I buy I would like for you to help me by "voting" for your favorite (doesn't have to be my cosiderations) in that price range used. The one with the most "votes" gets the nod from me. Thanks!
Sonus Faber Electors. (Not Elector Amators) Very small with a big speaker sound and absolutly gorgous cabinets. Retail 3500 but I have seen them used for 1500. I had a pair once and traded them in. I have always regreted giving those up.
In this price range, you should also consider the Coincident Triumph Signatures. At $1099, (maybe less if you get them direct from Coincident), they are hard to beat. Very easy load with a wonderful midrange. They compete very well against the models that you have listed
just send me $1500 (cash only) and i'll pick out and shipya ( via USPS, 4th class book rate) some speakers you're sure to like. no need to go thru this voting nonsense. i do this every day. the trunk of my lincoln is filled with these things. man, i can get you stuff that costs, like, $3,000 each! and i'm pretty sure i can find a matching pair, or at least close enuf where you shouldn't see no difference.
Thanks for all the imput. Chas my equipment is not audiophile caliber (Kenwood receiver/Yamaha cd player). I know I will need to upgrade this equipment but I would like to start with the speakers first. I also know that the above mention speakers will reveal all the flaws of my equipment but I have to start somewhere. At this point, I can't finish the whole "chain" at once. I know auditionig is important.I have audition the ProAc's with Audio Research equipment and they sounded great. Will they sound the same with the Kenwood? I very much doubt it! My room is 17' wide x 20' long and 8' high. I would say it is a "medium" sounding room. To Cornfedboy - I have the $1500 ready as soon as I see your Lincoln drive up.

Biggish room, weakish equipment (but it's good enough for now, given your plans). I know them solely by reputation, but people I know know what they're talking about highly recommend NewForm Research R630. Brand spankin' new they're at the top of your price range, used they're available at the bottom. Hybrid ribbons with ScanSpeak mid drivers, specs that compare well with all the monitors you mention, and (I'm told) very musical. Plus, they would obviate the need for(and additional expense of) stands. Plus, they should be up for whatever you get for your next upgrade (not that any of your selected monitors wouldn't, mind you!). Unless you specifically need monitors for a reason (and room size clearly isn't one) then this would be my recommendation.

If I still get a vote, and you are intent on buying by popular demand, then I go with the Silverlines (but then, I own 'em!)
