My Mark Levinson system help

I own a 335 a 38 a theta miles & a pair of martin logan sl3s. I want to buy the 39 would my system sound better running the 39 direct into the 335. Or should I keep the 38 with the 39. Email me with any input thanks I think the 39 direct is the way to go..
Paul I have had the Lev 39 the Wadia 7 (I know the 7 is a transport and not a player) and the Sony SCD1. Regardless of the naysayers, I agree with you, they all sounded better on redbook than does the 39 IMHO. Now with that said I realize this was not the gentlemens question. Based on the outcry I thought I would throw in some support for Paul. I thought the 39 was dark, murky and just plain non-involving. But that is what makes this hobby fun, the diverse taste of its' participants.
Best regards,

I own a pair of 33H's, a 333 and an ML3. A sizeable investment in Levinson gear. In my opinion, when I demo'd a 39 player IN MY HOME, the bass was quite wooly and the player DID NOT satisfy my ears. TO ME, the BAT VKD5 sounds much better, WITH MY OTHER LEVINSON AND BAT GEAR!
I find LEV335 so levinson-centered in his other posts that I don't think he can even listen to anything else with an open mind. A poster boy for the Harman Group!

Paul, forgive me of my judgment. I have seen to many comments from anti-ML people that bash ML just because it’s ML. I evaluated your comments and misjudged, concluding that was your stance. (Even though it was not an answer to his question.)
I will thank everyone once again. as far as me being levinson minded as someone put it. well maybe its true but remember I have been through all the gear these people are claiming to be better. so that makes me wrong. no. I unlike other people finally found equipment that Iam happy with. MY QUESTION WAS KEEP THE 38 WITH THE 39 OR DUMP IT. DOES IT SOUND BETTER DIRECT.? And I have heard the 39 in the store and it was far from uninvolving. Thanks to all the good advice.
I have heard extensively the 39 with 334 and the 380 + 380S. The speakers were Audio Physic Avanti 3, cables Nordost SPM.

The combination 39/334 was not much different than 39/380/334. They were pretty much the same, with a minor soundstage advantage on the seperates side, which may be caused by the cables. The separates with the 380S were clearly better. Either way, it was an excellent combination.

I ended-up buying the Meridian 805-24 and the 380S with the left-over money, rather than the 380. I thought the combination was more transparent and musical.

The bottom line is that if you only listen to cd, 39 into 335 is very hard to beat and at a lower cost. Buy some cd's with the change.

I hope it helped.