So many choices what to buy?

I am coming to the end of my analysis paralysis and i have listened to many speakers. I have narrowed it down to a few with quite a price spread.
JM Lab's Mezzo Utopia's, B&W 802's, Thiel cs6 or 7.2's. Any advise?
There are dozens of great speakers out there, but the real problem is to get a home audition from the dealer of the ones that seem best before you buy. Some dealers spend a fortune treating their demo rooms, while others just throw a system together anywhere. My present speakers sounded pretty good at the dealers, but nothing to write home about. People I trusted, however, told me they would sound far better at home, set up carefully, and I tried them. They blew me away in my own living room. The opposite is also true. If the dealer won't do it, find another dealer.
I agree...try and limit your choices, and then demo them in your own home. I can almost guaranty that they'll sound very different in your place...maybe better, maybe worse, but different.
I have never heard them, but if possible, I would try and audition Coincident Speakers.
One more vote for Dynaudio. Great speakers,build quality is excellent ( but kind of boring), and the Dynaudio North America people are helpful and responsive. When I wanted to hear the Confidence 5s they shipped a pair to the dealer for me to listen two in two days. They were also very helpful in discussing matching amps, room placement, cabling, etc.