Small footprint speakers

I am curently using an Atma-sphere set-up (MP-3 preamp and M60-Mk2.2 <60+ watt monoblocks> driving Rogers LS3/5a's(B.B.C. monitors) with their AB-1 passive subs. I need a SMALL footprint (width and depth), higher impedence (8 or more ohms) speaker having unpowered bass drivers. I listen primarily to WELL produced (yes, it does exist!) and pressed rock and pop and some jazz. Listening room is medium size very well damped (acoustically dead) and I don't usually listen at "headbanger" levels. What I'm looking for is: more bass (down to 30-35 hertz), better 3-D depth of soundstage, a little more "slam" while still maintaining the increadible sweetness and warmth of the Rogers' mid-range. Thanks!
Soliloquy makes some superb speakers, voiced to my ears more musically involving than the somewhat analytical Thiels. They are easy to drive and a good match for OTL's or SET's. I really didn't focus on their soundstaging when I heard them, but their midrange was very natural and relaxing.
I own the the ProAc 2.5 speakers and suggest you listen to them. cheers.......
I second the Soliloquy recommendation. The 5.3 goes down to 35 and the 6.3 goes down to 25. I own a pair of 6.3s and a pair of 5.0 monitors. Love them both and they are priced very competitively. Even cheaper if you can find agood used pair. Good luck!
Merlin VSM
Audio Physic Virgo

Or get a good sub.

Oh, and I suspect you'd like the Newform Research R645.
I'd have to say the Virgo's. I drove them with great sucess with a single BAT VK60. 60W/ch. IMO, it hits your criteria perfectly.