Small footprint speakers

I am curently using an Atma-sphere set-up (MP-3 preamp and M60-Mk2.2 <60+ watt monoblocks> driving Rogers LS3/5a's(B.B.C. monitors) with their AB-1 passive subs. I need a SMALL footprint (width and depth), higher impedence (8 or more ohms) speaker having unpowered bass drivers. I listen primarily to WELL produced (yes, it does exist!) and pressed rock and pop and some jazz. Listening room is medium size very well damped (acoustically dead) and I don't usually listen at "headbanger" levels. What I'm looking for is: more bass (down to 30-35 hertz), better 3-D depth of soundstage, a little more "slam" while still maintaining the increadible sweetness and warmth of the Rogers' mid-range. Thanks!
Merlin VSM
Audio Physic Virgo

Or get a good sub.

Oh, and I suspect you'd like the Newform Research R645.
I'd have to say the Virgo's. I drove them with great sucess with a single BAT VK60. 60W/ch. IMO, it hits your criteria perfectly.
Well, you typed the word small in caps so you must mean small. One of the smallest floorstanders I know of would be the focal daline 3.1's and Totem's arro. I heard the former and it was too bad, that was years ago. But both are bordering on 1/4 sq. ft. (6" w by 6-7" deep). I don't know if those transmission lines will get you down deep enough, but with room boundary reinforcement?? I believe the focal is even available in kit form so you could have fun building it and get a custom finish.
Check out the review in Absolute Sound current issue for the piega p-10.They have a small brother called p-8 limited at the same level of performance but smaller footprint.