B W 802N versus 801M

Anyone out there given these two speakers a run for their money? I have a set of 801III and am going to the 802N.
Step up, down, or lateral?

Using California Audio Labs CL-2500 (500x5) amplifier fo power.

Your input is appreciated.

Step up in cost not necessary in sound quality. Money would be better spent by upgrading your cross over. Try NorthCreek and you'll be getting closer to your 801 S3 potential. Put side by side a 801 S3 with better crossover against 802N, you'll be surprised.
Thanks for the response. I have the 801II upgraded to III AND THE NORTHCREEK external crossovers. I have a chance to go to the 802 Nautilus. Was wondering what I will find better about the difference?

What is your experience?
I also have 801's with the North Creek x-o's and I regularly listen to N-802's. I still prefer the deep bass response in the 801M, but the new Nautilus "head" does reveal more depth and detail. The North Creeks elevate the "old" Matrix series to a level of resolution close to Nautilus, so spend the money on upgrading any weaker links in your system before you consider the investment. Also, be sure you're happy with the different type of bass response.