I am stunned

After reading these forums for awhile I can finally say that I am a skeptic no longer with respect to biwiring. I recently purchased a demo pair of Martin Logans from a local dealer and found that I did not have enough money to purchase a decent set of speaker cables. As I was getting ready to take the speakers home the dealer stopped me and offered to loan me a set of cables until I had enough cash (Great Dealer!!!) to purchase some cables. Well, when I got home I discovered that the Logans were easily biwirable and that the cables he lent me were biwire cables. When I auditioned the Logans the dealer must have connected the jumpers when I told him I was not interested in biwiring a set of speakers. I figured what the hell, lets give it a try. I connected everything up, popped in a CD and my mouth fell to the floor. Unbelievable. So from one ex-skeptic to anyone who has a doubt. Biwiring works, I am an EE and frankly do not care why anymore.
I think that a great majority of EE's are "spec readers" by nature. As such, most probably have equipment that measures well but sounds less than optimum. To have one "cross over" to the land of "believers" is quite excellent. Kudos to you Liguy and congrats on your purchase. Hope they make you happy for quite some time. Sean
Liguy, thanks for your intellectual honesty and sharing it with us. Obviously you are a true empiricist, not stuck in the ideologies, which are passed on from one generation to the next, which in maintaining to be scientific fact more often than not just cover plain ignorance as regards phenomena occuring outside of the mainstream of official thinking.
Hey its incredible. Liguy has already been voted down! I gave him a plus 2/2 and got two zeros as a result. Shooting in the back I call that. Why does the person not speak out, if he has something to criticise. Its just plain lazyness and or cowardice or probably both. So, that will get me a few minuses too, but I had to speak out.
Hello, I gave everyone two points to even out that ridiculous backsniping. Great thread Liguy!