A while ago I bought a set of WATT 3/Puppy 2s. I don't find them to be ear piercingly bright in my room, although they are not a warm speaker. In fact I find them to be the best minimonitors I've had, and I've owned a few.
However, a sub is necessary. Which brings me to the Puppies. Thye are designed to add warmth to the WATTs as well as lower bass. Consequently there is a very shallow bass roll off. In my room this led to significant upper bass bloat, which was only controllable by bypassing the internal crossover and adding an external active Xover and digital EQ.
While this sounds very good, you still don't get really deep bass, so I've actually sold the Puppies while I look for a better solution. The Entec subs as mentioned would be ideal. Kinergetics also made suitable subs.
However, a cheaper solution might be a pair of the NHT Sub Twos. They are actually exactly the same size as a pair of Puppies. I'm temporarily using a pair of NHT SW2Pi with good results so I imagine the Sub Twos would be even better.
Or you might mount the WATTs on stands and use a pair of decent subs positioned where you like. SVS comes to mind.
I assume the reason for your question is the WATT 2s on Audiogon for $2500 or so. I think this is overpriced for WATT 2s. That's more like what a pair of WATT 3s should sell for.
I know of some WATT 2s available from a dealer for $1600 which is more like it. I'm actually pondering getting them myself for rears.
In summary, a WATT 3 for about that would be a great monitor, not the 2. If you want a cheaper but similar sounding speaker, the Acoustic Energy AE-1 comes to mind.
However, a sub is necessary. Which brings me to the Puppies. Thye are designed to add warmth to the WATTs as well as lower bass. Consequently there is a very shallow bass roll off. In my room this led to significant upper bass bloat, which was only controllable by bypassing the internal crossover and adding an external active Xover and digital EQ.
While this sounds very good, you still don't get really deep bass, so I've actually sold the Puppies while I look for a better solution. The Entec subs as mentioned would be ideal. Kinergetics also made suitable subs.
However, a cheaper solution might be a pair of the NHT Sub Twos. They are actually exactly the same size as a pair of Puppies. I'm temporarily using a pair of NHT SW2Pi with good results so I imagine the Sub Twos would be even better.
Or you might mount the WATTs on stands and use a pair of decent subs positioned where you like. SVS comes to mind.
I assume the reason for your question is the WATT 2s on Audiogon for $2500 or so. I think this is overpriced for WATT 2s. That's more like what a pair of WATT 3s should sell for.
I know of some WATT 2s available from a dealer for $1600 which is more like it. I'm actually pondering getting them myself for rears.
In summary, a WATT 3 for about that would be a great monitor, not the 2. If you want a cheaper but similar sounding speaker, the Acoustic Energy AE-1 comes to mind.