Hales System II Signature


Is anyone familiar with the (older) Hales System II Sigs? I know that at one time, they were on the Stereophile Class A list (with the Muse subwoofers) but I'd like information about possible amps/preamps to partner with them and any other setup information. Thank you.
I heard my Sig 11's today with the REL sub. This is a match made in heaven.
The Sig 11's really cook.Earlier, I had heard the same sub with a pair of Verity Pasifals, and the Sig's just blew the Verities away in a biiiig way. Both set up's were driven by Rowland's.
Amazingly the Verities list at $14k!!
The Hales System IIs actually use the 17W7EXTs (extended frequency) drivers. I learned this the hard way by ordering the 17W7 instead of the EXT from Madisound. Another post stated that the Muse 18/Hales Signature combination did not work very well (not very well defined low end). I use a pair of the Muse 18s extremely affectively with the Hales personality card (seemless sound from top to low bottom). It is important to note that with most tube preamps inverting polarity, one must, not only reverse the speaker wires on the Hales, but also must do so on both Muse speakers (two speakers per sub).
Anyone consider bi-amping the sig's. I am considering bi-amping with the rowland model 8 on the woofers and some kind of tube amp on the tweets, any suggestions?
BTW I just looked up the efficiency in my Hales manual and the sig's are 87db efficient. Also according to the manual they use Cardas golden section internal cableing.