Sub Connection Help

Can anyone help? How is it possible to have a smooth transition from sub to main speakers without using an active crossover?
I have JMLab Mini Utopia and I plan to add a sub ,but before I do so I would like some help concerning set up alternatives,since there is no active crossover in the hi-fi chain

REL Storm 3--truly easy to set up /for most any application/ also musical for ht or 2ch.
I also recommend you check out the REL subs. The verson III of most models have controls to fine tune the crossover in 2Hz increments. Very easy to set up and integrate.
Definitely a REL. The ABC(?) connection taps into your amp output so it gets the same signal as your speakers but it does not present a load to your amp. Combine that with crossover adjustments of 2Hz to intregrate your speakers. Call Sumiko or e-mail them with any questions regarding which REL sub for your system and placement issues, they are very helpful.