Joseph Audio RM33si & others in the $8,000 range

I keep seeing the Jospeh Audio ads "Best Sound at Show" with the RM33si speakers but I do not know anyone who owns any JA speakers. Why? Does any Agon member have them? What do they sound like and what have you compared them to? I am looking in the $8000 price range and have seen the Piega P-10s going for $5000. A bargin? What do you recommend with my system, Pass Labs X-250, X-1 preamp, Sony SCD-777ES (soon to be modified by Kern).

Comments and advice are appreciated.

Happy Listening.
bigkidz....i won't lie and say i've heard the joseph audio speakers but i own p-10s and i don't care how good the ja's are i doubt they can compete with the piegas'.i may be my suggestion,a couple of audiogoners have switched to the p-10s,used,in the past month and swear they may never buy another speaker again.they are that your price range i don't think there is a better speaker.the ribbon/bass drivers seamlessly integrate and give a sound few can compete with.a gentleman who just received his used p-10s said,in an email to me,that 'they have unbelievable mids and highs and this may be an end to my speaker obsession.'he also said they 'sound nothing short of phenominal.' i don't think you can go wrong with the p-10s.good luck
If you like electrostatic speakers, the SoundLab M3 is under $8k new. It is a non-hybrid fullrange electrostatic speaker with response down to 30Hz. SoundLabs are consistently mentioned as one of the finest, if not the finest, electrostatic speaker that money can buy.
Just a thought.
The Joseph speakers are very good. That being said, they were very smart and actively campaigned for the votes they received at last year's HES in NY.

The P10's are an absolute steal for the prices they are going for on A'gon. I have a pair listed for a customer who is moving up and I am shocked that they are not bringing a lot more.

Are you looking for a used speaker in the 8k range or a new 8k speaker?
Agree with Jtinn about Joseph campaigning for votes at shows. I visited their room at the last 2 STereophile shows in NYC. After the demo was over, they handed out voting cards and pencils and asked people to vote for them. I dont see anything inherently wrong with lobbying for votes, but since they were the only room I was in that did this, I think that gives them at an unfair advantage............

As far as their speakers, they are good but I find them a little on the dry side. Also, the 33's bass was a little disjointed from the rest of the spectrum, but I understand an upgrade hase come out to alleviate this.

If you are looking for speakers in the 8k range, do yourself a favor and listen to the Alon Lotus Elite Signatures. They are one of my favorites at ANY price.