"more forgiving speakers"

What is meant when a speaker is referred to as "more forgiving?" What does it forgive, and how does this affect sound quality?
Sometimes a speaker will have a rolled off high end, other times it will not have the resolving detail to show all of the inherent sonic nasties, that lesser audio components tend to have. A forgiving speaker is less apt to show these sonic aberations from the components upstream, or a lesser recording.
'more forgiving' is possibly a nice way to say that the speakers are not very 'revealing' and has a voice of its own to cover other problems in your signal path.
What would you rather have, a system that only sounds great on great recordings (referring here to the sound, not the musical performance) and makes a normal recording unlistenable, or a system that might not reveal the Nth degree of realism on the best recordings, but makes normal recordings sound listenable? If you are familiar with live, unamplified music, you will notice that most audiophile type speaker are skewed towards the high frequencies. This incorrect tonal balance is sometimes mistaken for greater transparency or detail.