Monarchy Audio DIP/Upsampler Combo

Thinking of placing this in between my Logitech Touch and my DAC. Would this set up be beneficial in this situation?
Will this help the logitech touch for improvements?
Sorry, Ozzy. Thought you had the Chord. $400 bucks for the Combo and maybe 30 day trial so easy enough to try. Love to hear your findings. Happy Listening.
I am the one with the Chord 64 DAC, its not an upsampling DAC by the way. Probably have to try the DIP Combo and see how that works.
Definitely give it a shot. It realy makes the Tuch sound incredible. Much more resolution.
Anyone, Can you explain the difference between the Monarchy Combo and the 48/96 DIP ?

I have a Squeezebox Touch that I am routing into the Digital inputs on my Cary 306 Pro.

Which of the two Monarchy units should I try?
Thinking of upgrading my Monarchy Combo to the Esoteric G25U to get a 192k signal into the Berkeley Alpha DAC. Anyone have any thoughts? Worth $1,100?