B W CDM 9 NT versus Nautilus 804

After extensive listening and numerous increases in my speaker budget, I have narrowed my search to one of the above B&W speakers. These speakers will be my first hi-end audiophile purchase. I will have to upgrade components slowly, but figured speakers would be my first big expense. I will use them for 60% music, %40 HT. Music ranges from Mahler to occas. Metallica and everything in between.

My question is this: I have seen the N804's on sale here for around $2500, about the same price as a new CDM 9NT. However, I have not seen many used CDM 9NT's listed. I can afford either pair. Should I step up to the Nautilus line and buy used, or should I stick with a new pair of the 9 NTs? Interested in any advice the more experienced may have.
Just got a used pair of the 804's for 2700, 6 months old. absolutely wonderful, even with mediocre electronics (NAD monitor series amp and surround receiver).
can't wait to get a good amp and cables, have been drooling over a bryston, but would like to get some other recommendations for these speakers. what would B & W recommmend? tube? only thing is, i don't want to spend more than about 2 grand on amplification at this point.
the matrix 802 series 3 or 2 are awesome like them better than nautilaus series IMO they sound more natural and relaxed but with plenty of detail much like the quads.
Soundwatts: What are you using for electronics? In two recent threads you prefer the matrix to the nautilus. I also have several matrix and several nautilus and I have a definite preference for nautilus. I wonder if it has to do with our other gear, or just our ears. Both are very good speaker lines.