Sony electrostatic speakers japan only?

Anyone have any info on these sony electrostats, model ss-r10?? apparently these are only sold in japan. i can't get the link below to revert to english. which might be for the best because they look really cool and very expensive. anyone know anything? should i start obsessing or not?
a71, didn't notice your post. 25k? now i'm really out. thanks for the offer to gather info, though.
Here is some more info that I found at

Sony has made an ESL with separate elements for low, midrange an high. The different panels work with different polarization voltages. The low range panel consists of two elements placed 5mm apart. By using very smooth copper stators and a special HV isolation a polarization voltage of 8500 V can be applied. The high frequency element has a membrane stator spacing of 0.3 mm and polarization voltage of 2000V. One speaker weighs 90 KG and a pair costs around $18.000
Perhaps the FBI and CIA should look to AudiogoN members
when they need info on something! Also, regarding one of
my posts go to a Magnepan dealer and listen to
the MG 20.1. Dealers should have or be getting them soon.
I've had the 20, 1.6 and 3.6...and, I think, the 20.1 will
cause an even bigger splash..and waiting list, than the
3.6 did/does.
Here's what my friend who reads japanese said of the speakers:

There is no price quoted on this. What's interesting is that it says you should only use an amp between 50 and 100 watts, because more than that could be dangerous. The top part says that the woofer, midrange, tweeter are all condenser units for reproduction of the most delicate nuances of sound. It comes with spikes, a dedicated power cord, and dedicated cabling. The thing weighs 170 pounds each (!!). At the bottom, it says where in Tokyo and Osaka you can see the speakers demo'd. On the bottom, there's also (I think) a streaming video commercial for the speaker. haven't tried it yet (just printed the page out).