Revel M20 vs.B W 805 vs.Dynaudio 1.3SE

Has anyone compared these speakers? I'm looking to buy small, high-quality loudspeakers to use with subs in a HT and music system. I've heard the M20s and thought they were a bit forward, and I'm not sure the B&Ws play loud enough or are capable of large scale dynamics, even with subs. Haven't heard the Dynaudio Contour 1.3 SEs. Any opinions?
Mcne! With all due respect, what the heck are you talking about?? Tell us why a good music speaker is bad for home theater. I can not wait to read your reply!

I know the three speakers in question intimately. They are all quite different sounding, and each has its own virtues. I think the baby Dyn's are the best of the three.
The 805 LOOKS the best but has basically NO bass, going from memory, it is rated to about 56Hz which coupled with the metal tweeter makes it a very clean sounding, fast, punchy speaker, with great focus and precise detail. The Revel M20 is a bit dry, crisp, yet seductive. The M20 looks lame and I don't like the tweeter adjustment at all. The Dynaudio has a little smearing going on in the lower frequency ranges which is to be expected since this little speaker produces impressive bass output -- rated at 37Hz.

Anyother two/way to consider would be the ProAc 1SC which my friend is a GREAT little speaker! You have to hear it to believe it.
Comchenry, just out of curiousity, you felt the PtoAc 2.5's overwhelmed your 13x26x14 room? I would think that is a pretty large room and fine for the 2.5's. Just curious.
comchenry the components upstream are an lp12 with benz glider cartridge a wadia 6 cd player and conrad johnson premier 8's with a cj pv11 preamp
Steel, The Matrix series b&w are better than the Nautalis series. The matrix was more natural with less roll off on top. The Revel would be the best pick in a speaker like that they are very fast crisp and clean. And the bass is impressive for a little speaker. They arent the most attractive speaker on this earth but they sound amazing. Good Luck
Soundwatts, I was just guessing on why you would draw such negative conclusions on the 805N's. I was running a Levinson 331 with Audio Research LS22 pre. I used to own a CJ Premier 11a and PV12. The B&W's really tightened up and extended nicely when I went to the Levinson.