Ground for Cable TV Hummmmmmmmmmm

I am getting what sounds like a ground loop hum through my big screen tv to my surround processor. Would a grounding rod & ground on the cable help?
Mondial (maker of Acurus and Aragon) makes something called the MAGIC for about $100. It works like a champ, but why not try the cheaper Radio Shack one first.
Check the website. It has a comprehensive diagnostic. But, to cut to the chase, chances are the ground loop is coming from the CATV line. Jensen makes a $50 isolation transformer for the CATV line that has proven to be $50 well spent for me. (No, I'm not affiliated with the company. I just happen to have spent a lot of time trying to solve a ground loop problem in my system and finding the Jensen product was a "eureka" for me. 'Sometimes it doesn't take much.) Good luck with it, Jim
Try this (it worked for me): run a wire from the outside connector of your TV cable (I had a wire with an aligator clip on it) to the ground on your amp. That Radio Shack "grounding block" is just a cable connector with a screw on it for connecting a wire. Using the aligator clip works just as well.
Ironically, just read about the MAGIC this AM in a review of Tishiba DVD palyer in stereophile (May or June 2001-I think)
I had a serious ground loop hum that I was able to isolate to the tv cable being the culprit. The only bandaid that worked was if I unplugged the tv cable altogether. I had electronics plugged into a 15 amp non-grounded circuit and others, including the amp, plugged into a 20 amp grounded circuit.

Moving all electronics over to the 20 amp grounded ciruit resolved my problem.