The "right" speaker

Here is my listening room:

21' long X 14'wide with 15' cathedral ceilings. This is split into two rooms a 8' long by 14' wide kitchen (behind the listening area)and a family room of 13' long by 14' wide where my system resides. I have treated the wall behind the speakers and the short wall birectly behind where I sit. The room is now devoid of slap echo and is tuned properly. I sit six to seven feet from the speaker.

I am looking to find a nearfield speaker that will work well in this room for 2 to 4 K used. Here is what I have listened to so far:

Sonus Faber Concertos
Wilson Cubs
Triangle Zayas(very nice)

I welcome any and all recommendations.
diapason adamantes are an excellent choice. a small, drop-dead gorgeous stand-mounted monitor that will do an honest 40hz. also one of the most holographic speakers i've ever heard. i heard the adamantes II; the adamantes III, the current wersion, is supposed to be even better. they retail for a bit more than $4k, w/stands; but are occasionally awailable for much less on the used market. 'rino of prosound, who adwertizes here frequently, has a pair w/stands f/s for <$3k, i tink. this includes shipping, which is spendy, as he's in italy. the speakers are mfr'd there, btw... ewe can find diapason in a-gons' mfr links...

doug s.

Hi guys,

Thanks for all the responses. What about some nearfield floor standing speakers in the 2 to 4K range? Jeff, I will definitely check out the Totems.


You always seem to have some good comments. I know you like the Newform's. I heard them at the NY show briefly. I have ML Requests right now that I want to replace.

Has anyont heard the Tyler Accoustics line of speakers or Rick Reimer's?

Keep the sugestions coming....