Velodyne or REL or Vandersteen?

Have a FSR-15 which is bigger but specs out at same a HGS-15.Would I like the REL Stadium (?-less than $2K) or would a Vandersteen 3A do me right at less ching?
I currently own an FSR-15 and am looking for a REL used. I demoed a REL in my system and it outperformed the velodyne very clearly in terms of sonic quality (the velodyne went louder). Haven't heard the Vandersteen.
Velodyne by a mile. Neither the REL or Vandy will go as deep, and when it comes to distortion it's no contest. I've tried all three. Remember a lot of audiophiles don't like deep or accurate bass, so listen and go with what you like.
Audiophiles don't like accurate bass????? Like saying dogs don't like table scaps. At whatever price point I have demo'd the RELs were the most musical in addition to accurate. Deep does not mean accurate. An 10Hz sound is no good if it's not suppose to be there in real life at that volume.
I agree you have to get what sounds good to you. Velodyne is my personal choice.