You are quite welcome. I've always felt that the problem with "highend audio", is that there aren't more folks like us. I have to laugh, when I think of all those consumers that take loudspeakers and room acoustics for granted, and instead pay more attention to "tweaks", like gold-plated titanium rollerballs, etc.
I look forward to hearing from you in the future.
Did you happen to hear that Alon Statement speaker? it's the only one I'm aware of that uses the Ravens, they're the smaller R-1, and it uses 6 per channel I believe.
The speaker I'd like to hear, is that Impact "Airfoil" bending wave model...supposed to be a new take on bending wave drivers, uses them in a line array, fullrange down to about 100 Hz.
Does the Coincident speaker model you have not use the Seas Excel magnesium coned midwofers? I thought they all used those magnesium cones...the thing with them, is that you can never get rid of that ringing, even with an infinite slope crossover. It's just that it's essentially inconsequencial in the final speaker, since the ringing still is mostly focused on-axis.
Metal cones do have an efforteless controlled snap to the sound, I have to admit. I own an aluminum-coned Seas, for yet another project. The corresponding magnesium model rings somehwat louder than the aluminum, though...but that solid copper phase plug in the Excel versions sure looks awesome.
In my opinion, the 8 AWG North Creek coils get very close to the performance of not having a coil at all. However, they aren't exactly the same, obviously.
No, I've not heard any of the Fostex line. I'm curious if the driver you heard was mounted on a baffle in a finished design, and if so, which model was it? Was it any of the current ones in production, as listed on the Madisound website? Did it use a rear-loaded horn, a front-loaded horn, or both?
I'm trying to decide which 4 inch midwoofers to get, for the tiny "monitor" project with the Emit tweeters I bought. There is an older Vifa 4 inch polypropylene cone that has an EXTREMELY smooth rolloff, and might work with no crossover: the P11WG-00-08.
I may try using this one myself, but according to the Solen catalog, it will only yield an F3 of 60Hz, and I was hoping for a tad lower.
If I can't find a treated paper 4 inch cone with a low enough Fs, I may try and use that poly-coned model I mention above. It's just that I'm getting tired of the sound of poly cones. They have the advantage one you go bigger than 6 inches diameter, but not for 4 inches diameter, imo.
All would be fine, if Audax's new "polymer chassis" line, didn't feature back plates WITHOUT vent holes for the pole piece. Why anyone would ever buy midwoofers without vented pole pieces is beyond me. And they even charge as much for this new polymer line, as they did for the premium zinc-chassied line. That just seems outrageous to me.
I own 6 of those too (they're spectacular imo), it's the treated paper version of those found in the Pipedreams. They're discontinued now, so they only sell the carbon fiber model, again as found in the Pipedreams.
I look forward to hearing from you in the future.
Did you happen to hear that Alon Statement speaker? it's the only one I'm aware of that uses the Ravens, they're the smaller R-1, and it uses 6 per channel I believe.
The speaker I'd like to hear, is that Impact "Airfoil" bending wave model...supposed to be a new take on bending wave drivers, uses them in a line array, fullrange down to about 100 Hz.
Does the Coincident speaker model you have not use the Seas Excel magnesium coned midwofers? I thought they all used those magnesium cones...the thing with them, is that you can never get rid of that ringing, even with an infinite slope crossover. It's just that it's essentially inconsequencial in the final speaker, since the ringing still is mostly focused on-axis.
Metal cones do have an efforteless controlled snap to the sound, I have to admit. I own an aluminum-coned Seas, for yet another project. The corresponding magnesium model rings somehwat louder than the aluminum, though...but that solid copper phase plug in the Excel versions sure looks awesome.
In my opinion, the 8 AWG North Creek coils get very close to the performance of not having a coil at all. However, they aren't exactly the same, obviously.
No, I've not heard any of the Fostex line. I'm curious if the driver you heard was mounted on a baffle in a finished design, and if so, which model was it? Was it any of the current ones in production, as listed on the Madisound website? Did it use a rear-loaded horn, a front-loaded horn, or both?
I'm trying to decide which 4 inch midwoofers to get, for the tiny "monitor" project with the Emit tweeters I bought. There is an older Vifa 4 inch polypropylene cone that has an EXTREMELY smooth rolloff, and might work with no crossover: the P11WG-00-08.
I may try using this one myself, but according to the Solen catalog, it will only yield an F3 of 60Hz, and I was hoping for a tad lower.
If I can't find a treated paper 4 inch cone with a low enough Fs, I may try and use that poly-coned model I mention above. It's just that I'm getting tired of the sound of poly cones. They have the advantage one you go bigger than 6 inches diameter, but not for 4 inches diameter, imo.
All would be fine, if Audax's new "polymer chassis" line, didn't feature back plates WITHOUT vent holes for the pole piece. Why anyone would ever buy midwoofers without vented pole pieces is beyond me. And they even charge as much for this new polymer line, as they did for the premium zinc-chassied line. That just seems outrageous to me.
I own 6 of those too (they're spectacular imo), it's the treated paper version of those found in the Pipedreams. They're discontinued now, so they only sell the carbon fiber model, again as found in the Pipedreams.